Filipe Dias


  1. 2009-10-29

    Now a bit sure I won't be able to go to the Reunion :S

  2. 2009-10-28

    Attending a Conference all day and then working at night is not so bad when caffeine kicks in. But another story is waking up in the morning :S

  3. 2009-10-17

    is getting a bit pissed about these annoying adverts on his name. :S

  4. 2009-10-15

    to continue the welcoming and eagerness of the Skiing season, today I went to the beach, where the sand was hot and the water just right. Summer is still here :)

  5. 2009-10-04


  6. 2009-10-02

    Transformers 2 - what a SHITY movie... :S

  7. 2009-09-28

    was wrestling with a stray kitten in the bushes next to the roundabout at night.

  8. 2009-09-27

    still lives in a Left wing country after today's elections. 😀

  9. 2009-09-24

    I trust some people with my life, but none with my opinion and my vote.

  10. 2009-09-09

    today is day 9 of month 9 of year 9 of this millenium.