Filipe Dias


  1. 2010-02-23

    actually made it out, even if just barely.

  2. 2010-02-19

    today is the Cookie Monster.

  3. 2010-02-15

    on the ship to Swedish waters after having the wrong month on his booking. Ooops.

  4. 2010-02-08

    just loves IKEA.

  5. 2010-02-01

    longing for positive degrees.

  6. 2010-01-29

    finally has fresh washed clothes. About time :)

  7. 2010-01-20

    staying in Skåne for the time being.

  8. 2010-01-19

    can cross Copenhagen as seen, and found an extra 50 kroner in the wallet :)

  9. 2010-01-18

    is just passing the time at Aalborg airport waiting to head on to Copenhagen and trying to get an apetite for the leftover pizza in the bag before going through the security check-in. Any more details needed?

  10. 2010-01-18

    has finally found the hostel in Copenhagen