Filipe Dias


  1. 2010-05-21

    00:47 - 26° C

  2. Dilbert

  3. 2010-05-14

    if computers had souls they would surely be owned by the devil.

  4. Yes, true to the name.

  5. 2010-04-26

    29° outside today. Where has Spring gone?

  6. 2010-04-05

    Stroopwafels at LIDL finally 😀 😀 😀

  7. 2010-04-01

    agrees with Søren that life is too short for shitty jobs.

  8. 2010-03-07

    had his first time ever proper winter. Now it's time for spring back home.

  9. 2010-02-28

    met an Iranian who almost became a suicide bomber, a Swede who works with Aerogel (very high tech stuff) and today the lead singer of the pop group Ace of Base

  10. 2010-02-26

    1° positive is super hot.