Filipe Dias


  1. 2014-03-24

    funny image

  2. Caz


  3. 2014-03-19

    Votar nas eleições de um país diferente, ora aí está uma experiência nova.

  4. 2014-03-14

    after starting 3 weeks ago watching, I just finished the last episode of Breaking Bad. Damn, that was good ride...

  5. 2014-03-12

    I guess this is goodbye, farewell Opera on Linux :(

  6. A Haunted House Snaps Photos of people At The Scariest Moment Of The Tour.

  7. Este gajo é um espectáculo :)

  8. 2014-02-23

    funny image

  9. 2014-02-18

    Does anyone want Civilization 4 complete edition, Civ 5 and Gods and Kings DLC on Steam for free? If so let me know.

  10. New footage shows unique perspective of Felix Baumgartner’s historic jump