Filipe Dias


  1. 2017-12-21

    Houses in Portugal are great in Summer since they're usually colder than the outside.
    Unfortunately that is also the case in Winter ๐Ÿ˜ž

  2. 2017-12-11

    funny image

  3. 2017-12-10

    funny image

  4. Pokemon

    A pokemon just appeared outside my window. They're getting way too intrusive, imo


  5. 2017-12-08

    I guess it's official, first snow of the year in Kleve.
    10 years ago: ๐Ÿ˜…
    Now: ๐Ÿ˜ด

  6. A Hilarious Guide On How To Piss Off People In Different Countries

  7. Pรบblico

  8. 2017-11-25

    funny image

  9. 2017-11-20

    Geostorm, another movie using "science" as seen by Hollywood execs. Here's how Time Out NY brilliantly reviewed it:

    "It'll probably be most appealing to scientists looking for a good laugh."

    drop mic...

  10. 2017-11-13

    funny image