Filipe Dias


  1. 2018-06-18

    funny image

  2. 2018-06-17

    There's no true world cup without hearing the neighbours scream in agony

  3. 2018-06-13

    Went to bed yesterday with the green glow of a firefly in my room or the actions of a really bad sniper outside. Either way, pretty cool :)

  4. 2018-06-09

    Bye-bye slow, closed ports, hotel login internet at home. Eduroam to the rescue 😎

  5. Commuting to EMBL

    How I get to work at #embl #heidelberg #commute #walktowork #forest


  6. 2018-06-03

    funny image

  7. 2018-06-02

    02.06.2012 - Moved from Rotterdam to The Hague;
    02.06.2018 - Moved from Kleve to Heidelberg.
    The second of June seems to be a popular day for me to move, adding to a very close 07.06.2007 - Portugal to Switzerland.

  8. 2018-06-02

    funny image

  9. 2018-05-31

    funny image

  10. Roommates

    Messing around with @mattnewton89 Summer 2007 #kisc #kandersteg #switzerland
